Saturday, February 27, 2010


Many apologies for not joining earlier! Actually I tried, but somehow I upset google (?) by inadvertently trying to sign in twice. It never let me back!! I stumbled on the solution tonite: new password. duh.

This is my first time writing on a blog, so I'm still figuring this stuff out. Next... figuring out how to post photos!

Leanne, you've done a lovely job with this blog! I really appreciate all the time and effort you've put in this. I'm sorry that it hasn't taken off. I'd love to see what the others are up to... this was such an excellent idea!

Thanks for the glaze recipes. A buttery black sounds yummy, too. Now that I'm teaching I can test whatever glazes I want. I'm currently going thru Lana's Showsaver recipes... trying all the colorants!

hope to hear from other long lost 'sandwiches.'

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hey Jane! I lost your email address and I've changed mine. You look great! :D You can contact me at
So can anyone else from the group!